Jason Momoa Has Backtracked On Having Trouble Using The Bathroom In Aquaman Suit

Jason Momoa Has Backtracked On Having Trouble Using The Bathroom In Aquaman Suit

Crisis averted, everyone. Jason Momoa can go "poopsies" just fine in his Aquaman suit. Momoa and Amber Heard recently explained some issues they have using their otherwise amazing costumes. Momoa made a comment about how it's not easy to go to the bathroom in the suit. Superhero stars have said things like that before, but apparently Momoa was not happy to have the comment be taken so seriously. When he was asked again about the difficulty in using the restroom in the suit, he took a lighthearted shot at the original outlet:

I'm mad at them because it was a joke, you knuckleheads. Like, of course I can go to the bathroom.

Ah, but he still didn't quite explain the process of how. These are the practical details that fans always ask about when it comes to superhero costumes.

Here's what Jason Momoa had originally said about his costume:

It looks like it's easy to pee in that. But really it's not. And if you have the poopsies, it is very challenging. You've gotta be really good at holding it.

Jason Momoa also explained that he calls it "poopsies" because when you're raising kids you always call it something cutesie like that.

So he did say it, and he brought it up on on his own in a video interview. But when HuffPost asked him about his difficulties going to the bathroom, he called it "the dumbest thing," adding...

I can definitely go poopsies just fine. There's no problem with my suit.

Phew! PoopsieGate is over. Superheroes always do have interesting stories about their suits. On TV, The CW just did its "Elseworlds" crossover, and Stephen Amell said The Flash suit is even more uncomfortable than his usual Green Arrow suit. But Ezra Miller had a lot of praise for the mobility of his The Flash suit for Justice League, applauding the work that went into it.

Over on the Marvel/Sony front, both Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland recently talked about their new suits in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Apparently Gyllenhaal's Mysterio suit accidentally flashed some disco lights on set, and Holland called his "stealth suit" the "comfy suit."

Fans can be very particular about the details on a suit, and critical if they don't match the suits from the comic book. Each film/TV set's costume department has the tough job of balancing aesthetics and functionality. You do have to make sure the human actor can function in a suit, but also recognize that, on screen, this person is meant to look superheroic.

Aquaman opens in theaters December 21. The reviews from the critics are in, and you can add your own in about a week. The movie is about two hours and 20 minutes long, so if you have to go pee or even poopsies, prepare accordingly.

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Anthony Mackie Hated Falcon's Avengers Death Scene, Here's His Hilarious Alternate Ending

Anthony Mackie Hated Falcon's Avengers Death Scene, Here's His Hilarious Alternate Ending

Anthony Mackie is so much fun to watch on screen, but even more fun during interviews. You can't take anything he says seriously, but it's a fun ride. Mackie is currently promoting his role in Miss Bala, but of course he's asked about his role as Sam Wilson/Falcon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Falcon was one of the 50% dust-busted by Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Because he's not Mark Ruffalo or Tom Holland, Anthony Mackie has avoided spoiling anything further. He's acting like that's it for Sam, he's dead, he's out, he's not coming back for Avengers: Endgame. That's how his video interview with BUILD Series played out, and then it took a hilarious turn when Mackie suggested a better death scene than Falcon just turning to "dirt."

BUILD Series: Does it feel good to have finished your time with the Avengers?Anthony Mackie: I felt like I wish I had ended in a better way.BUILD Series: No chance we're going to be seeing you again?Anthony Mackie: No, because -- spoiler alert, we all disappeared. Like, we evaporated, Thanos turned us into dust. ... So, you know, I wish I had died a better way than turning to dirt. I feel like everybody who has died had this cool death scene. We were on set, and I'm laying down in the mud and it's cold, and the Russo Brothers are like, 'You're disintegrating, think about, you're leaving Earth, what would you say?' And I'm like 'Cap?' ... dust. Those are my last words? I felt like it could've been better, for me. [...] I wish I was running and like Scarlett Johanasson was there and I jump on her and take a bullet and she cries and I'm laying there. And I say 'I did it for you' and she's like 'You were always my favorite.' And then you take the crane and you pan out and she passionately kisses me...

That sounds like the kind of ending Luis would narrate. Anthony Mackie's preferred ending story continues from there -- including Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man picking Falcon up like a baby and they drive away together. So check it out in the video:

Hey, maybe Scarlett Johansson would be into that idea. Maybe Anthony Mackie's Falcon can be revived to join her Black Widow movie. Sorry, Bruce Banner.

No one should buy the idea that this is it for Anthony Mackie's Sam/Falcon. Falcon was even on the list of potential characters to maybe pick up Captain America's shield if/when Chris Evans leaves. Plus, Disney+ is said to be working on some kind of TV series for Falcon and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan). If that happens, keep poor Tom Holland away from that set. Mackie and Stan are known for roasting Holland on any and all occasions. They have way too much fun during interviews, and most of it is just trash-talking horseplay.

Last year, Anthony Mackie had joked that Falcon was safe from being killed off in Avengers: Infinity War because he can fly. Obviously that didn't save Falcon, and Mackie knew that at the time.

There's a lot of speculation around Avengers: Endgame, but we're expecting to see some if not all of the dusted characters back again. Heck, Peter Parker has his own movie in July, so that has to be explained. Falcon's story will almost certainly continue, and answers on how it all plays out will (hopefully) arrive on April 26. Here's what else is playing on the big screen in busy 2019.

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