8 Things to Remember Before Seeing Ant-Man and the Wasp


8 Things to Remember Before Seeing Ant-Man and the Wasp

We're knee deep into summer now, which means it's once again time for another Marvel movie. Hot on the heels of Avengers: Infinity War comes a movie that just a little smaller in scope. Ant-Man and the Wasp features the return of Scott Lang, who is once again drafted by the Pyms to help on another mission. This time, the trio must save Janet van Dyne from the Quantum Realm, all while dealing with the mysterious Ghost. Critics have been favorable to the movie, citing it as a very fun sequel, if a low stakes addition to the MCU.

The Ant-Man franchise has always been a refresher from some of the heavier elements of the MCU, and though the stakes are lower, Ant-Man has been keeping busy. Not only did he have his own movie, but he also appeared in Captain America: Civil War, so there's a chance people might not be up to date on everything they need to be before catching Ant-Man and the Wasp this weekend. With that in mind, here at eight things you need to remember before seeing the sequel.

He's An Ex-con Trying To Do Right By His DaughterScott Lang (Paul Rudd) begins his origin story on the wrong side of the law. A skilled electrical engineer, Lang was sent to prison after he is caught stealing from VistaCorp, though he was returning money to consumers that the company had intentionally stolen from first. His time in prison left him estranged from his family, his ex-wife, Maggie, and his young daughter, Cassie. After getting out of prison, Scott tried to go straight to be a better father, but couldn't find a job due to his criminal record. This eventually lead him down a criminal path once again, and robs a seemingly ordinary recluse, taking what appeared to be a fancy motorcycle suit.

He Was Recruited By Hank Pym To Be Ant-ManIt turns out that the man Scott robbed was a lot more interesting than he was led to believe. The man's name is Hank Pym, a brilliant scientist who used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. in the '80s. Pym discovered a special type of particle that could shorten the distance between an object's molecules, effectively reducing its size while maintaining its mass. Using these Pym Particles, Hank built a suit that would allow him to shrink, becoming the first Ant-Man. Scott was eventually arrested for stealing the suit from Hank, but it turned out to be an elaborate setup by Hank because he wanted to test Scott's skills as a thief. Hank helped break Scott out of jail and recruited him to become the next Ant-Man so that he could help Hank steal back his research from his old company.

Ant-Man Can Shrink, Grow And Talk To AntsBy wearing the suit and using Pym Particles, Ant-Man can shrink himself down to size, but retain the same mass. That means that even while two inches tall, he still punches with the same force as if he were six feet tall. Not only that, but he also has a device that allows him to telepathically control ants and get them to follow his orders, something that comes in surprisingly handy. Later on, Scott learns how to use the Pym Particles to grow, becoming Giant Man. As Giant-Man, Scott is, well, really tall, but also really strong as well. All of these powers will be utilized during the sequel in one form or another.

Hope van Dyne Is Hank's Daughter And Becomes The WaspNot everyone is thrilled that Hank chose Scott to become Ant-Man. Hope van Dyne is Hank's estranged daughter, and she's far more skilled with the Ant-Man technology than Scott, leading to her frustration that Hank won't trust her to complete the mission. The two have a stressed relationship in Ant-Man due to Hank pushing Hope away after the mysterious death of her mother, Janet, who served as the superhero the Wasp alongside Hank's Ant-Man. Hank never told Hope how Janet actually died, which put stress on their relationship. By the end of the movie, the two reconciled, and Hank presented Hope with a new Wasp suit that he had been building. The Wasp has the same shrinking powers, but she also has mechanical wings and blaster.

The Original Wasp Went Missing In The Quantum RealmOne of the downsides of Pym Particles (other than the fact that in the wrong hands, they cause you to go crazy) is that after shrinking down to a certain point, there's no coming back. By shrinking to subatomic size, the user enters the Quantum Realm, which is essentially an alternate dimension filled with nothingness. Sadly, while out on a mission, the original Wasp was forced to go subatomic in order to dismantle a nuclear missile, sacrificing herself for millions. Hank spent decades of his life researching the Quantum Realm and trying to find a way to save his wife. He'd made very little progress, but he received new hope in the form of Scott Lang.

Scott Is The Only Person To Ever Escape The Quantum RealmIn order to defeat the villainous Yellowjacket (he was just an evil version of Ant-Man) and to save the life of Cassie, Scott went subatomic to put Yellowjacket down for good. It looked like Scott had sacrificed himself to a lifetime of floating through the trippy reality of the Quantum Realm, but the words of his daughter and some quick thinking allowed to Scott to grow back to normal size and escape the Quantum Realm. Scott is the only person to do this, giving Hank hope that his wife can still be saved. Unfortunately, Scott doesn't remember any of his time in the dimension, but his experience will apparently play a keep part in finally rescuing Janet van Dyne.

He Fought For Team Cap In Civil WarNow a full-fledged superhero, it didn't take long before Scott was face-to-face with the rest of the MCU. In Captain America: Civil War, Ant-Man was recruited by Falcon to fight for Cap's side against Iron Man. It wasn't too hard to convince him to join the team (Hank Pym isn't a fan of the Starks), but as the new guy on the block, Scott had a lot to prove. It was during the superhero battle at the airport that Scott first debuted his Giant-Man power, buying Captain America and Bucky some crucial time to escape the fight. However, Scott was arrested after the fight, something we will see the ramifications of in Ant-Man and the Wasp. His decision to join Team Cap will also have an impact on his relationship with Hank and Hope.

Scott Was Placed Under House Arrest After Civil WarAnt-Man may have had to sit out Avengers: Infinity War, but that doesn't mean that the movie totally forgot about him. There's a quick line about how Scott took a deal to be placed under house arrest in order to be with his family. This is where we will catch up with him in the sequel. Scott is still under house arrest and is looking forward to starting fresh once it is finally removed. However, obstacles get in his way when the Pyms come knocking on his door for one last mission.

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